The Statistics Behind Home Staging
It’s no secret that staged homes consistently sell quicker and at a higher listing price than homes left vacant or decorated with the current owner’s personal items. Yet many home sellers opt out of staging because of the up-front costs. They think that foregoing the staging process will save them money. However, studies show just the opposite. Spending on staging costs often earns the buyer double or triple the cost of what the seller spent on staging. Still unsure? Let’s take a look at the numbers.
Staging attracts more buyers.
Based on the 2021 survey from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), home staging continues to be a lucrative tool to add value in the buying process, with 82% of respondents saying it’s easier to visualize properties that are staged as a future home. Moreover, 41% of respondents noted they are more willing to walk through a home they saw online if it were staged. Even more impressive, 27% of survey respondents noted that they are willing to overlook other property faults if the home is staged correctly. Home staging attracts more buyers. More buyers means more bidding, which provides additional leverage for the seller.
Home staging increases the value of offers received.
It’s clear that a properly staged home can entice buyers in the door, but what’s the effect on your bottom line? The NAR survey also found that staging increases the sum buyers are willing to spend on a property. Twenty-three percent of respondents said that home staging raised the dollar offer by 1% to 5%. Fifteen percent of respondents said that home staging increased the dollar offer between 6% and 10%. Six percent of respondents noted that home staging increased the dollar offer between 11% and 15%. Three percent of agents responded that home staging increased the dollar offer between 16% and 20%, and two percent of agents responded that home staging increased the dollar offer by more than 20%! None of the agents reported that home staging had a negative impact on the property’s dollar value.
Staged homes sell faster.
In addition to increasing the dollar value of the offer, 83% of agents noted that a staged home will sell faster than an unstaged home. In addition, 31% of agents responded that home staging greatly decreased the amount of time a home spent on the market.
The numbers don’t lie.
From enticing more buyers, to obtaining higher offers, and to lowering the amount of time on the market - home staging is an essential tool in the selling process. Call us today to set up a consultation.